POLAND, MAINE — Unless you’ve been living under a water well, you’ve likely heard...
The Editor
Dwayne Bunyan is the editor-in-chief of Wickedly Maine. He's also cousin to Paul Bunyan, although he'll tell you he's the better-looking one. While Paul struts around with Babe the blue ox, Dwayne's got Pickles the money cat. Dwayne's humor is as dry as jerky and as sharp as the axe he uses to chop firewood. He's a true Maine icon, like a lobster roll served in a brand spankin' new Bean boot. If you ever find yourself lost in the Maine woods, let the echoes of Dwayne's hearty laughter guide you - it's as reliable as a compass pointing you back to the comforts of home.
CANAAN, MAINE — In a bold move that’s making waves across the coastline, Maine...
Freeport, ME – In an innovative response to Maine’s recent spate of wild weather,...
UNITY, MAINE – In a cheeky move that’s causing quite the stink, organizers of...
MAINE — Uproar has spread across Maine from Kittery to Caribou as Stanley unveiled...
EAST MACHIAS, Maine — The tried-and-true Maine retort, “Frig Off,” celebrated its 100th anniversary...