MACHIASPORT, Maine — In a display of Mainer-ness that could only be described as downright wicked awesome, Machiasport resident Olivia Wentworth shattered the world record for the most “Mainer” things said in a single sentence.
Wentworth’s sentence, which clocked in at an impressive 32 unique Maine references, included such classic Maine phrases as “ayuh”, “wicked”, and “lobstah”. In addition to these staples of the Maine dialect, Wentworth managed to cram in a reference to Allen’s Coffee Brandy, a mention of the town’s historic Fort Machias, and a joke about the weather.
“I’ve been practicing for this moment my whole life,” Wentworth said in an interview after the event. “I knew I had a shot at the record when I woke up this morning and saw that it was wicked cold out.”
Wentworth’s record-breaking sentence has earned her a place in the Guinness Book of World Records Wicked Good Edition, as well as the respect and admiration of her fellow Mainers.
“I’ve never heard anything so Mainer in all my life,” said Wentworth’s neighbor, Duke Armstrong. “It was like poetry. I almost cried.”

While Wentworth’s record may be hard to beat, she encourages others to keep practicing their Maine accents and phrases.
“Nyup, ya nevah know when ya might need to bust out a wicked good sayin’, bub,” she said, leaning into her thick Maine accent. “It’s all paht of bein’ a Mainah.”
Editor’s note: Wickedly Maine respects Wentworth’s claim to her signature winning sentence. If you’re genuinely interested in hearing what it is, let us know in the comments on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or below. With enough enthusiasm, we’ll happily reach out to Wentworth to reveal her award-winning phrase.
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Fort Machias, formally recognized as Fort O’Brien State Historic Site, can be found nestled in the charming town of Machiasport, Maine. While the fort may not boast an abundance of attractions, it does feature a historical cannon and a delightful picnic area for visitors to enjoy.